We are hoping to grow our family through adoption
Hello! We are Christopher and Kelley from Cincinnati, Ohio. Thank you for taking the time to learn about us and for considering us as your child’s adoptive parents. We hope that you will get a good sense of who we are as a family, surrounded by love and support both near and far. Though we haven’t met, we cannot imagine the feelings you have or will experience, but we do know that you want what is best for your child no matter what you choose. You have our sincere support.
We hope our story will provide you with peace as you move forward. We are thankful for the opportunity to tell you about us and the life we enjoy together. We can’t wait to get to know you too! We believe in being open with an adoptive child. We want our baby to grow up knowing about his or her roots, background, and story, but most importantly, we want him or her to honor the importance of his or her parents.
We have so much admiration and love for you. Your strength, courage, and trust in us are humbling.
Kelley and Chris
Thank You for Reading
Quick Facts
We live in Ohio
Family is important to us
We Love Animals
We Love to travel
Education is important to us
Our Story
Both of us were looking for something new in the fall of 2008. We met through eHarmony and met in person for our first date at The Melting Pot a few short weeks later! It didn’t take long for each of us to figure out that each person was “the one”. What a whirlwind it was! We introduced each other to our large families a few months later during Christmas and have been inseparable since then. Life has been full of adventures with travel experiences that include camping, kayaking, hiking, and amusement thrill rides. We are a team who are foodies, who love to geek out to movies like Star Wars and Marvel and enjoy working together on household design projects.
“We want our baby to grow up knowing about his or her roots, background, and story, but most importantly, we want him or her to honor the importance of his or her parents”.
-Chris and Kelley
Why We Choose Adoption
Adoption was always a part of how we would create our family. Even before the diagnosis of infertility, Chris was approached early on in our relationship about the possibility of adoption. We have many family members who are adopted, and especially for Kelley, adoption seemed like a natural way to create a family. We are both from large families. Chris is the 4th of five children and Kelley is the oldest of five children. Given our experiences with our siblings, we have always hoped for siblings for Henry. So, after years of infertility and miscarriages, God called us to Kelley’s dream of adoption.
About Us
Meet Kelley
Meet Chris
Meet Henry
Flynn & Casper
What Our Friends And Family Have To Say
A Look at Our Life
We promise…
to love, cherish, value, and respect our child.
to not just love, cherish, value, and respect our child, but to do the same for you and our child’s family.
to be committed to the openness of adoption, whatever that may be.
to raise a person of faith.
to not just educate, but to broaden his or her horizons with enriching experiences.
to make life adventurous.
to not just be present and supportive, but to be encouraging, especially when taking risks.
to be his or her biggest advocate.
to surround our child with a support system and a giant loving family.
to celebrate diversity, respect different perspectives, and to listen.
to apologize and admit when we're wrong.
to slow down and make time for our family.
to be great role models and to be the very best we can be.
Our Promise
“Adoption was always a part of how we would create our family”.
-Chris and Kelley
We hope our child...
will be happy. Happiness is not about stuff; it’s about loving people well.
has a carefree childhood filled with happy memories.
feels deeply loved by friends and family.
will enjoy life and know that play and fun are part of a healthy balanced life.
understands the value of hard work.
is forgiving.
isn’t afraid to speak up and establishes healthy boundaries when the situation warrants.
knows it’s OK to cry and to be vulnerable.
never stops learning.
sees this planet with wonder, love, and respect for all.
has a sense of spirituality or faith. We hope our child is loving, kind, and ethical. Love is our religion.
will serve others. We hope our child realizes that giving is what provides meaning to life.
will have a close relationship with his or her sibling, that lasts a lifetime.
knows that our families love and support him or her, no matter what.
This is not a comprehensive list, but we hope we can give our child these experiences as we model these qualities.
Our Hope For This Child
Before You Go You Should Know
Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know us. Though we can’t fully grasp the weight and complexity of your decision, as you consider all your options, we hope you find the decision that’s right for you. We hope you are being cared for. We hope you are feeling loved and supported. We hope you are able to find peace as you think about your options. Though we do not know what our futures hold, here is what we do know: the three of us have so much love to give! Our families, full of aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and close friends are ready to adore this child with open arms and tons of kisses. As we think about a blended, extended family, we want you to be a part of our lives, as much as you want to be. We know how important this child’s birth story is, and how important culture, identity, and family of origin are. We promise to never lose sight of that. This child will be so lucky to have so many who love and care for him/her, including being loved by you. We wish you well and God bless you and your baby.
With love,
Kelley, Chris, Henry, (and Flynn and Casper too)!